Department of Clothing and Textiles

Our graduate school extends knowledge and research on clothing and textiles to take a close look at apparel design, history and culture, textile and apparel sciences, 3D apparel technology, functional clothing development, and consumer behavior. Students in this program are afforded many opportunities to present and publish papers on their research topics. Main career paths are researchers and professors, merchandisers, fashion analyst, fashion and image consultant, or fashion journalist.


Department of Clothing and Textiles
Academic Units Faculty Research Interests E-mail
Costume culture Kilsoon Park Cultural Anthropological Approach to Costume, History of Clothing, Fashion and Image-Making
Fashion marketing Youngsun Rhee Fashion marketing, Fashion retailing, Consumer behavior, Culture marketing
Clothing ergonomics & Comfort Kyunghi Hong Thermal/Tactile/Wear comfort, Human sensibility ergonomics, Compression garments(sportswear, functional underwear)
Fashion design Yoonmi Choi Fashion design, Aesthetics in clothing
Clothing material science Jungsoon Lee Textiles(planning, performance evaluation, sensibility estimation), Chromatics, Dyeing & Finishing
Apparel technology Yejin Lee Functional pattern development, 3D clothing technology, Protective clothing, Engineering design process
Fashion merchandising Hanna Kim Fashion brand management, Business ethics, Social psychology of clothing

Department of Food and Nutrition

Our graduate school emphasizes on raising the quality of life by improving the level of human health and nutrition through research and practical application. The curriculum is focused on food, nutrition, and clinical nutrition sciences. Our program prepares students for careers as dietitians in health care, community, and private practice settings, as food industry specialists in public relations and media, and as nutrition educators in health care, community or health care programs


Department of Food and Nutrition
Academic Units Faculty Research Interests E-mail
Nutrition, Nutritional Assessment Young-Jin Chung Community Nutrition, Nutrition in Life Cycle
Food, Functional Food Mee Ree Kim Functional food materials development, Improving the quality of traditional food
Nutritional Biochemistry, Clinical Nutrition Sun-yung Ly Nutritional Evaluation of Food Bioactive dietary fiber
Food Chemistry, Food Analysis Hong-Sun Yook Food Analysis and Food Chemistry, Radiation Food Science
Food Microbiology, Hygienics Jae Han Kim Food Microbiology, Food Hygienics & Law
Food Service, Nutrition Education Min Sun Jeon Introduction to Food Service, Nutrition Education and Counseling, Food Service Organization and Personnel Management

Department of Consumers' Life Information

Our graduate school focused on promoting consumer welfare and consumer capability through research and practical application. The curriculum consists of consumer science, food service and restaurant management, household economics, and financial planing. Common career paths of our department are researchers, consumer counselors, consumer trend analysts, financial planners, employees at financial institutions, marketers, specialists for healthy families, housekeeping social work, public home managers, cook, food hygienists, home economics agent, circulation business manager, and shop master.


Department of Consumers' Life Information
Academic Units Faculty Research Interests E-mail
Consumer Science Young-Seen Kim Consumer Problems
Consumer trends
Consumer policy
Food and Nutrition Science Joon-Ho Lee Introduction of Eating-out Industry, Food Hygiene and Safety Management, Cookery Science
Family Economics Soon-Mi Kim Family Economics
Household resource management
Retirement Planning
Consumer Financial Planning Joo-Yung Park retirement preparedness, debt and financial stress, financial behavior and psychological factor(optimism, LOC), financial problem in Rural household
Consumer Science Hye-Gyoung Koo Consumer Education
Consumer Information
Consumer Retail
Consumer & Product Development