Vision and Goal

The main objective of the Department of Food and Nutrition is to educate students to make professionals who will promote health of the people through the improvement of individual, family as well as community nutrition status by applying basic and applied food and nutritional science knowledge.


  • Food Science: This filed provides an integrated knowledge that blends fundamental science with the more applied aspects of the science of foods by studying the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods for public consumers.
  • Nutritional Science: This field prepares students to develop ability as a health professionals by studying core nutrition courses, and students are able to handle various nutritional problems throughout human growth process besides learning basic nutrients in food and how these biochemical changes affect in body.
  • Foodservice Management: This field trains students to plan and manage food services in commercial and non-commercial foodservice areas with a foundation in food, nutrition, and management and to enhance the leadership, service, and business skills of students.


Food Science Cooking and Culture, Food Organic Chemistry, Food Analysis & Experiment, Food Chemistry, Food material, Food Microbiology , Food Microbiology Lab, Principles of Cookery & Lab, Food Sensory Analysis & Experiment, Experimental Food Science & Lab, Health & Functional Food, Community Nutrition, Food Preservation & Processing, Food Fermentation, Food Sanitation & Food Regulation
Nutrition Science Basic Nutrition, Meal Management & Lab, Advanced Nutrition, Nutrition in Life Cycle, Nutritional Assessment, Nutrition Education and Counseling, utritional Physiology, Pathological Nutrition, Nutritional Biochemistry, Clinical Nutrition, Diet Therapy
Foodservice Management Food Purchasing, Institutional Foodservice organization, Foodservice Management

Career Development

Dietitian:hospital,school,catering company, industry, health care center, hotel Nutrition Counselor :hospital, community health care center, health check-up center, functional food industry, fitness center Food industry: quality control manager, technical manager Civil Servants: Dept. of Health, Welfare and Family, Ministry of education, science and technology Researcher: research institutes in government, food industry etc Nutrition education teacher for school students: elementary, middle and high school Mass communication field: newspaper, broadcasting, magazine editor, reporter Food service manager: fast food business Academic achievement in graduate school: master, doctorate program for further education Food stylist, traditional food business, bakery professional


Name Major E-mail
Young-Jin Chung Nutrition/Nutritional Assessment
Mee Ree Kim Experimental Cokery/Functional Food
Sun-yung Ly Nutrition Biochemistry/Therapeutic
Hong-Sun Yook Food Chemistry/Food Analysis
Jae Han Kim Food Microbiology/Hygienics
Min Sun Jeon Foodservice Management/Nutrition

Professional qualifications

  1. 1) Industry related course, on-the-job internship program
  2. 2) Leadership, total job management program, job related clinic support
  3. 3) Abroad study and internship
  4. 4) Foreign language study program support